Members Christine and Greg recently met Kim Miller from the Blue Dragon Children's Foundation to hand over some of the foreign currencies collected through our Rotary bins located at Sydney Airport before she goes back to Vietnam next week. We could donate the Vietnamese, Cambodian, and Lao money, which amounted to approximately $500 Australian Dollars.
Kim has been with the Foundation for ten years, and she talked about the positive changes they are making for the Vietnamese people. She told us about how and why the Vietnamese people are lured into places like Cambodia to work for ‘scam factories’; they are targeted because they are taken away into locations where they do not have contact with people who speak the same language and put into areas that they do not know how to escape from or learn how to return to their own countries. These young people are held under guard, beaten and tortured (and sometimes) have their organs removed if they do not comply with what they are told to do.
Kim said that it costs about $1,000 to rescue one person. The cash we gave will be used to purchase petrol, food, drink and emergency supplies like shoes worn during rescues. (At times, people need to walk out of places like Myanmar through jungles at night and hide during the day to get back to Vietnam, and this can take up to 28 days)