Christine Baramilis, President of Botany Randwick, and Eddie Lakiss, from Marickville, made the presentation with the assistance of Past District Governor Garry Browne AM and the Chair of Sydney Airport Corporation, David Gonski AC.
Geoff, as Chief Executive Officer of Sydney Airport Corporation, has presided over many changes and innovative approaches to the way Airports are managed and how they participate in our changing world. Geoff’s leadership in the Airline and Tourist industry has seen him involved as a member in the ACI World Governing Board and the Second Vice President of the Asia- Pacific Regional Board of Airports Council International (ACI), the global industry association representing airports around the world. He is also the Chair of the Tourism, Transport, Freight and Logistics Group at the BCA and Chair of the NSW Fundraising Committee for the Australian Olympic Committee.
The Citation for Geoff's award goes on to read:
"The presentation of Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation's way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is named after our founder, Paul Harris, who started Rotary International with three business associates in 1905.
Rotarians often designate a Paul Harris Fellow as a tribute to a person whose life demonstrates a shared purpose with the objectives of The Rotary Foundation. Today we have the honour and pleasure of recognizing Geoff Culbert as a Paul Harris Fellow.
"Through Geoff’s leadership and support Rotary International has been able to strategically position collection points of funds from travellers that has amounted over the last 20 years to more than $1,200,000.00.
"These funds have been invested in Projects local and worldwide such as Bayside Women’s Shelter, St George Children Disability, Christmas appeals for - Life Savers, Variety, Ronald McDonald, Cure Cancer Marine Rescue. Further, Interplast, ROMAC, NSW Draught and Bushfire relief, Sailability, Australian Rotary Health Indigenius Scholarship, local PCYC, to name only a few.
"We believe a world of peace and good will comes closer to reality today as Geoff Culbert becomes a Paul Harris Fellow. It is because Geoff’s leadership that The Rotary Foundation can carry out an array of programs that achieve beneficial changes in our world: improved living conditions, increased food production, better education, wider availability of treatment and rehabilitation for the sick and disabled, new channels for the flow of international understanding, and brighter hopes for peace.
A contribution to The Rotary Foundation is an investment in the ideal of good will, peace and understanding. That is an ideal held high by Rotarians the world over, and one that Geoff Culbert clearly shares.
"Working with such individuals of good will, we believe the ideal will become a reality. We can think of no more suitable candidate than Geoff Culbert to receive this award."
Congratulations Geoff.