A21 - Our Mission is to end slavery
Feb 12, 2025 6:30 AM
Blake Loaney
A21 - Our Mission is to end slavery
A21's mission is to end modern day slavery - see A21 | A21
Blake is A21's Reach (Prevention) Manager and has been with A21 for over 8 years. She has a wealth of experience in presenting and sharing about both our Australia prevention programs as well as our international Recovery and Aftercare work.
Human Trafficking
a) It’s the illegal trade of human beings.
b) It’s the recruitment, control, and use of people for their bodies and for their labor.
Through force, fraud, and coercion, people everywhere are being bought and sold against their will–right now in the 21st century.
But, slavery is more stoppable than ever before. And that’s why we’re here, rallying around the world and doing the work together.